The use of barbed rope fence

Today Xiaobian to explain the use of barbed rope fence, barbed rope has been more familiar with, played a very good effect in our life, but we do not know what the use of barbed rope fence? Next Xiaobian to share with you the use of barbed rope fence.

The material of barbed rope fence includes high quality low carbon steel wire, galvanized, coated plastic, weaving process is made of twisted barbed rope fence;


The characteristics of galvanized barbed rope fence: firm, beautiful.

Use of barbed rope fence: barbed rope fence is mainly used in industry, agriculture, animal husbandry, highway, forest farm protection. Barbed rope fence is a new type of protective net. This product has a good deterrent effect. Beautiful appearance. Convenient construction. Economic and practical and other excellent characteristics. Mainly used in garden apartments. Organ units, prisons, posts, border protection, etc.

Post time: 10-05-21