Introduction of three twisting and weaving methods of barbed rope

Barbed rope is to use iron wire, through winding machine, through a variety of weaving technology, wound in the main line (stranded) made of isolation protection net. There are three ways to twist the barbed rope, as detailed below.

Barbed rope

There are three ways to twist the barbed rope: positive twist, reverse twist, positive and negative twist.
Twine: Twist two or more wires into a double wire rope and then wrap the twine around the double wire. It’s called a straight twist cord which is the common double strand cord.
Reverse twist barbed rope: first wrap the barbed wire around the main wire (i.e. a single wire) and then add another wire to twist and weave it into a double strand barbed rope.
Twisting the barbed wire: twisting the barbed wire in the opposite direction of the main wire. That is, it’s not twisted in one direction. This is called the twisted cord.

Post time: 08-07-22