How to choose a pet cage suitable for your pet

Pet cage You can choose the pet cage you like or feel suitable. It is recommended that you buy a metal cage with a metal tray at the bottom. Of course, stainless steel is better, and plastic is also ok, but the plastic tray is very easy to be damaged by pets’ biting, and the plastic tray is also easy to be corroded by pets’ uric acid. Moreover, plastic products are low-end and not durable. So pet cages are usually made of metal. This will prevent your pet from coming into the house and causing damage, while at the same time providing maintenance and preventing it from getting sick from running around and touching dirt.

Pet cage

The basic choice of pet cage is to be able to stand straight inside it, so as to make your pet comfortable, lying down also need to be able to stretch out the four legs. Treat your pet like a human and have a larger cage with one side to move around and one side to sleep in. Cushions in pet cages can be used with old blankets or special pet MATS, as long as they are comfortable. 

Post time: 31-12-21