What’s the difference between cold galvanized wire and hot galvanized wire? Which is good?

Friends in the industry know that galvanized iron wire has two kinds of cold galvanized iron wire and hot galvanized iron wire, so what is the difference between cold galvanized iron wire and hot galvanized iron wire? Which is good?

galvanized wire

What’s the difference between cold galvanized wire and hot galvanized wire? It is mainly different production process. Cold galvanized iron wire, also known as electric galvanized iron wire, is the use of electrolytic galvanizing process, and hot galvanized iron wire is the use of hot penetration galvanizing process. Compared with the two, hot dip galvanized iron wire thick coating, high zinc content, has stronger anti-corrosion and anti-rust effect. Similarly, the price is also higher, cold galvanized iron wire and hot galvanized iron wire which good? Mainly for the use of scenarios and requirements to choose appropriate galvanized iron wire, appropriate is better.

Post time: 22-05-23